Dr Lucas Moreno Martin Retortillo

Vall D'hebron Hospital

Lucas Moreno is a paediatric oncologist dedicated to early clinical trials and neuroblastoma. He started his career in the Royal Marsden Hospital (London, UK), then created and directed the Clinical Trials Unit at Hospital Niño Jesus in Madrid (2013-2019) and currently leads the Division of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology in Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain. He is currently President Elect of the European consortia for neuroblastoma (SIOPEN) and an active member of ITCC early clinical trials consortium. He has led the BEACON-Neuroblastoma trial and is currently developing BEACON2. His research interests are precision medicine, predictive and pharmacodynamic biomarkers, drug development and clinical trial methodology with the aim of bringing drugs for childhood cancers as rapidly as possible.

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