Prof Paul Monagle

Professor Paediatrics, University Of Melbourne

Prof Paul Monagle is a past chair of the paediatric/perinatal SSC of ISTH; leader paediatric chapter of the ACCP antithrombotic guidelines for over a decade; member of the ASH venous thrombosis guideline steering committee, and chair of the paediatric panel; Co-author of multiple textbooks; 40 chapters in major international textbooks; over 350 publications, with over 11000 citations.
Paul has long term interests in reference ranges and normative data, thrombosis and anticoagulation in children.
Paul is a past Stevenson Chair and Head of Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne,; previous director of laboratory services, Head of Haematology, and Acting Head of Children’s Cancer Centre Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne. He is currently a clinical haematologist at Melbourne RCH and honorary at Sydney Children’s Hospital.

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